Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Assasins Creed

All last year this game was extremely hyped up to be the next gen savior. i was pretty excited watching some trailers, etc. Then it came out and reviews started to circulate. most of the reviews said it wasnt that great, huge disappointment. so i shrugged it off and waited for my impulsive younger cousin to buy it. so i borrowed it from him, and am about half way through. its extremely fun. its no god of war, but i like the spiderman aspect that you can climb anywhere and do anything.
dont believe the bad reviews, this game is fun and is guaranteed to make you feel like a badass.


nasiema said...

ass in creed.

nasiema said...

youre laME

Unknown said...

I disagree, it was fun for about an hour until it became a repetitive piece of shit.
