Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Bummin cigs to an 18 year old kid.  Givin back what I get in the k mart parking lot.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Culture whore

book made by him


morrisey you are a broken scum bag, you shouldn't burden a normal people with gnaggines of your beennifits fucking FAGGOt nigga fucking a pussy ass bitch
i HATE the smiths
AND the cure

you can make a better band than them.....GO NOW! hitler translates to english GO

Saturday, March 16, 2013

suburban white kids

I never could understand or get along in the way they wanted me to.  Cushioned by generations of parents living up the block they will judge everything and everyone.  Everything is funny for some reason they can make fun of the sickest things.  I am not the most positive person but sitting around cracking stupid jokes hoping another person will laugh is a bad way to waste your time.  They mock art because they are afraid to understand it.  This is art in itself.  I show them things they don’t understand, they lash out to make it make sense in their sheltered brains.  Stuck here for the appeal of living on their own.   Roomates, glasses full of water downed beer.  they hold you down to their level thinking they can make anything sink so they can step up on it. get the upper foot over your head to push you down. this is what separates me from them. urban based childhoods are stripped of the bullshit.  under the cities lies the most corrupts people. on the the other side of the mountain where the tap water runs into britta water filters, check up phone calls to moms, chain restaurants and hatred for those who get laid.  you think you can beat everything. your world is so far away from mine.  i never understood being so negative in jokes.  unexposed and overrated hollister wearing car driving hand me down arcade fire cd’s. they pirate everything, they watch the late night shows and laugh.  I have seen all the videos they show on youtube.  this is why i have never been able to be close to anyone.  i’m not gay but i can’t bro out like the others can. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Golden coral

Notw to self make a documentary about all you can eat buffets

Its on heart of the swarm

Got it babes

Thursday, March 7, 2013


the first one was a crazy fun party with a number of things going on with greg and all my closest friends there in short we decide to all ride our bikes through this tunnel through the mall, we all ride in a line maybe 50 kids on bikes and when we go to get in the cave some of us got stopped and arrested while some made it through. the second i was tired and it was after the first time wise,  nadine was going to a party and i went with and brought my dog roxy.  it was in a mansion and there were lots of gangsta swag guys there, and a leader that was 4 times the size of a normal man.  he was the king pin and had all the girls upstairs. i waited downstairs holding roxy i wanted nadine to come down but i couldnt leave my dog with these other slutty girls.  so i was just holding her.  nadine came down and said how much fun she was having while either not noticing or caring about the guys talking closer and closer to her face, putting their arm around her and basically seemed like she was having fun and didnt really need me there. everntually the king pin came down and began testing me and i told him not to lean on my dog because she is small and getting old. he ended up admiring me and liking me so we went and drove around together. i don't know if he was just trying to get me out of the house so nadine could have fun with the other guys. but halfway through the drive i got a text from nadine that said "is it ok if i wrap up roxy really good in some blankets and quilts and ship her to you?" i freaked out and was thinking she must be on whatever drugs they had given her to come up with such an idea.  it would smother her. so i asked the king pin if we could go get her and take her to suzi's my moms friends house so she would be safer. we went to the post office place before for some reason and then we were driving around trying to find suzis house before we got roxy. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

airplane dream

I have never fallen asleep on an airplane, and never will again.  It was an intense lucid dream on the version of a delusional reality.  I was sitting next to the same people as i was in real life and everything was a little weird and off there was constant music playing really loud in my ears, i wrote all the songs in my head i guess cause nothing was really playing in my ears.  there were people that kept coming out of the back of first class, and i honestly believed that they had drugged my complimentary sprite.  right before we took off in real life the pilot had said its going to be an abnormally bumpy take off but not to worry because the plane doesn't care if its smooth or not.  we were flying and people kept coming up randomly i think this was influenced because of the god damned Harlem shake airplane video i had seen the day before.  so time went on and shit was fucking crazy in the dream, i was awake and 'lucid' in it it was like it was really happening, we had some turbulence and the pilot came on the intercom saying an engine went out we were going down.  we went down for a crazy bumpy ride but didn't do any damage, it was like a bus stop pit stop where me and the mixture of first and working class passenger went in...of course tsa was there. ughh.  they swapped the engine and we took back off.  even more songs were playing of all varieties, jazz, bollywood. all this crazy shit with random first classers coming up fucking with my, i felt like i was tripping seriously.  then even before we got to denver we had to make another unscheduled pitstop in montana....i don't even know where montana is.  we waiting in the car there then blasted back off. this time we were so high up that my ears began hurting from the pressure and the music blaring in them.  the dream finally ended when my ears started to mist hot, squirty, air, water stuff all over the passengers to my right and left. i was like what the fuck is going on...then somehow i woke myself up. i also thought i wasn't scarred of a plane going down but in the dream i realized how much i want to live.  i woke up sweaty like a wet pickle and i believe i might have talked in my sleep my whole body was sore and strange from sleeping awkwardly.  i don't know if i really talked to the passengers next to me but if i did it must have been some crazy shit.  now i'm in denver waiting

Studen rat seatbelt, Mexican at heart, and samwa

Caca swap

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I hung like a dead rat, a dream catcher made out of reflections of new york shitty.  this happened in my other apartment as well, for some reason its something you can't record or take footage of, its just something you have to be there for sort of thing.  at my old apartment i had this curtain with these round faux copper rings hanging it to the pole, for some reason after i hung this up every morning after sunrise the entire street outside would project onto my wall.  brookelandsyn's version of the northern lights.  now waking up in my next room, first time i've put a curtain up and sure enough the same thing is happening there are these fucked gorgeous strange lights again.  this time in the corner of my room. a small sidewalk without people but fragments of steps projected onto the corner of my ceiling, also the j train and stained glass i believe from the station has a long stripey peak in the corner. just wanted to remember it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

