Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I hung like a dead rat, a dream catcher made out of reflections of new york shitty.  this happened in my other apartment as well, for some reason its something you can't record or take footage of, its just something you have to be there for sort of thing.  at my old apartment i had this curtain with these round faux copper rings hanging it to the pole, for some reason after i hung this up every morning after sunrise the entire street outside would project onto my wall.  brookelandsyn's version of the northern lights.  now waking up in my next room, first time i've put a curtain up and sure enough the same thing is happening there are these fucked gorgeous strange lights again.  this time in the corner of my room. a small sidewalk without people but fragments of steps projected onto the corner of my ceiling, also the j train and stained glass i believe from the station has a long stripey peak in the corner. just wanted to remember it.

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