Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
gordon b. hinckley
about an hour ago i had a disturbing phone call from my mother. the bad news rang through my ears like an alarm clock with a bad hangover. the LDS church's prophet and President has passed away. 2 years ago i remember joking with my mother about him not being dead yet. being a non-mormon, i however was still raised in the church and know that this man was a great person. kind, loving and extremely fucking cute. well, he's in heaven now ordering countless appletinis with former playboy bunny of the year's. we miss you and love you ver much.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
A days work
i guess the second best thing to seeing your name in lights is seeing your name in bullets? ...bud dun dum dum CHH. at least i wasn't sitting out in the freezing cold. i made hick friends, they bummed me smokes. my fingers are really 'crispy' and dry from sorting the brass ends of different caliber bullets. it wasn't nearly as bad as shoveling snow, and at least i made an acid dealing contact... ha. im going to the Sundance film festival now....bye
Friday, January 25, 2008
80's Night

Thursday, January 24, 2008
well im still sick, i even went to the doctor today. he said it is a viral infection, meaning i will get better once my body builds up immunity to it. im pretty sure getting drunk lowers your immune system, so it looks like ill be sick longer. but im going 80's dancing. sick.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Cigarette Machine
I was pushed onto this by a friend early today, its really cool. just type in an artist you like and it crates a playlist-filtering in similar artists. whats different about pandora is that it actually looks deep into the music and finds out the structure, the sound, the instruments, etc. give it a try
Heath Ledger
Yesterday everyones beloved gay cowboy actor died of what the news is failing to report a "sleeping pill overdose". I guess He was found naked at teh end of his bed without any clothing on.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
im sick as shit, i havent been able to go to my 'work' and i havent been able to get drunk in 2 days. TWO DAYS!!!! jesus christ thats way too long. I plan on moving to a studio apartment in LA or maybe a 1 bedroom depending on what happens with rashelle. i wish my throat would clear up so i could actually enjoy a cigarette.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
i think ill wait for a better time to tell you
the green part i cant even look at in the mirror. how is this happening
how how? why is overused, so how. how baby? i want to be so deep inside of you , a forklift couldnt pull me out ill spread, youll spred and the disease will take control, take over cran bury me
umph ts umph tsss wet and feeling i hold me inside you just a second longer honey just one little spurt
ill feel you up then fill you up.
This Old House
cranvodka, its only 5:45
i love being in this big house alone
there's room for one more
but i'll be leaving
ill be leaving
thats it.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
i want some sunny D
Welcome 08

im so fucking sick of my dad. i want march 27th to get here, tomorrow. i cant wait to be out of utah, i hope all my court bullshit is taken care of by then. by the 29th ill be in some outskirt of LA town in a small apartment or condo with the only one thing i have left to bet all ive got on.
for the update on quitting smoking, i havent bought a pack! yeah ! ...i just bum them from my grandma now....its a step though right?....right?
i have kind of a crazy idea for project. i use art for lack of a more descriptive word.
i plan on cutting all the weirdass boring everyday tasks ive filmed and then making music, and a small youtube doc. about my life.
its a start atleast. i have to get to know the ins and outs of mixing down music with movies.
i was watching some television show this morning and they had a little fat kid and his parents and were interviewing him about being fat. it was so fucking cruel.
then on the same show they interview Donald Trump, and showed a video someone sent in saying how they werent going to watch the apprentice celebrity. and he called her unattractive, donald-rat on his fucking head-trump called someone unattractive? coffee nearly squirted out my nose in a choke of laughter.
well i have to go have a schmoke
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
on my way to church i press my face against the stained glass like a child looking through heaven at a puppy. staring at the impregnated medusa hung like a beard over christs impaled cunt. the face emerged is screaming, giving birth to an herpes infected baby calf, then the mother eats. every Sabbath i stare, every Sabbath it reaks with hate for its bitch mother. then ...i finally fucked it and it was saved, i was his savior.