Sunday, September 12, 2010

ijust almost got raped

so i went to trah humpers tonight wich by the way was interrupted by a fat slob of a midwife cracking uptlike it was at the race riots. i paid money to a cab driver that ended up wanting to fuck me. this was a man btw. and i was con'd into walking miles "to han gout with these DICK HOLES that made me walk a fucking marathon . he wasa fat guy wearing nudie jeans hope they bleed. luring me in with body art. yet one was a wannabe ginger, so i should hvave known

Friday, September 10, 2010

ugly troooofff

yeah. wow
the droptone of silence is is.n

and i’m so glad
i woke up and you’re really here
you love me not him








sure..spell corrector tried to make a big A in america

sure we're "protected" by our troops that disengage their emotions to free their fellow man. america is run by the soul-less fucks that think with their undeveloped brains that were washed with their nazi father views. . . dot dot dot disgusting if you ask me.


this war shit IS BULLSHIT god damn don't get me started on these dull minded small humans that have been recruited to die in that area. its yucky. and not even relevant to a suck ass guy that thinks they can SOLDIER america into safety. when the fuck have we been in danger?

when have we been in danger that wasn't caused by our own gimmick to cause and control chaos. ((((9/11))) for you dumbasses that hasn't caught on yet.

playing guitar with my roomate

i was playing with my roomie and my foot touched his and he instantly pulled away and said my foot was cold and unpleasant to touch.

playing guitar with my roomate

Thursday, September 9, 2010

funeral song

i just realized that i may die at anytime and people who "love" me may attend a funeral for me. first of all, i'd like to be cremated and my ashes spread in japan. also i would love Peter Bjorn and John "up against the wall" at my funeral played for everyone ....actually on second thought i dont really mind where my ashes are scattered as long as people listen to this song deeply. people can cry, but don't be so loud it ruins the song for other people.

i feel gay and i feel into you tonight.

jim beam

Sunday, September 5, 2010

waking up in ceramic wrap

misidentifying our thoughts and feelings can lead to a build up of them, and a violent release in sleep. I awoke this morning with only half the capacity of my lungs, and a nervous twitch. humid, drenched in sweat this engine room is freezing. only until i get out of my safe zone and walk across to slam the door, and procure that awesome breeze. bland my insides are furious with angry towards 7 kids i hated in school. i forgot they even would exist now. i hope they never find me on facebook. misunderstood, victimized by these angry sportsmen. they call you small, the wont let you play. the win is too important this time. It stretches passed that to your favorites father who will sit you down and ask you not to throw his sons precious birthday game. all i want to do is play. now you've terrified me that i'm too small to play, not that you just dont want me to make you look bad, i actually believe i am too small and not strong enough to play now. forever. dreams dreams are scary.
last night i ate for you to prep for the game, all i want to do is play. now my belly is full, and for nothing. i'm disseminated.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


serious encounters are held unconscious ...real life happens in a split second of a second baby seconds.
to believe she lied about where she was raising OUR children. you decided to fuck off, not me. of all dreams no sleep...its an unfamiliar thing i smell and sometimes disagree with the headache. please keep me from it. please help me know it. dear trouble bender fuck god please help me tomorrow. cause i am typing wait i know and it is not sufficient if that word even exists woowoot no i have a real feeling
its joy time.

BOGS[POT. THE things i keep to myself can’t open up just yet. i release as much as my body allows me to. i can use my mouth, but it still wont come out. i can’t dream a second of sleep no matter what you are in “love” with someone else.
some things are untold and full of surprises//// fuck hair ties i’m letting hair ties go forever. hard sacrifice but i dot give a fuck about anything. at all

keep tromboning and im happy keep good vibes going. the perfect band i would record is yo la tengo...much love and realism taken into account then hes a beautiful guy hthat has given blind vibes but knows what he’s doing he is stronger than par but is compete and your hair runs down you back. your perfect back to hair ratio (lol) a pefrfect fit...which still stumps me...i love someone and the formula is correct that's... y problem she thinks im playing games
\it hurts to feel you strip your own clothes off yourself..aren't you better??? can you not be better? my judgment is clouded on purpose or at least for a reason.... i love you and wont stop. you knew what was coming. keep it coming and no fouls.

“break my arms around my love”--the national
