Friday, October 7, 2011

Surreal story

a man is walking down the street in brooklyn new york, his yellow hat is blowing feathers of cash out like a fan to all the people.  a black woman flashes him her nipple and yells come on my sock big buddy, i see your big dick through them tight jeans. the man with the hat turns and bends down to cuff his jeans, looks up and says will you be so kind as to suck my dick until i cum blood into your nasal cavity? she asked if he was clean and unbuttoned his pants, she went down. and up and bobbed her head, as people drove by honking and whistleing at the whore, a crowd formed and people got riled up and out of hand as she started using her hands bouncing on her knees. faster and faster down her throat. people start throwing pennies, cake, and cigarettes as tips i guess. a flower hit him on the dick. it floated down and landed in the gutter next to a sleeping homeless man that is peaceful in his drunk, he has lost that other self of him he used to call his real legal name. now there is a couple things that happened to him that he can never look back, being stoned and losing muscle with every penny thrown the woman gets her head held down he buries his cock deep and blew into her throat, cum blew out of her nose, as she gagged and choked, and started throwing up kennedies fried chicken legs, and hot wings, and funnel cake dripping down his scrotum. then she picked up a smoke.  the man with the ostrich hat walked up to a passer by and grabbed him from the sides, impaling therm with his massive dripping whale cock with one swipe he took them down. grew 6 feet taller and took a shit on the road.  he walked down to the bodega and they would sell him a loosie. so i picked up the small counter clerk and said look you fuck i just skull fucked your wife out there and i want a Goddamn cigarette. his black lisping voice was a creepy strange sound. he was a gentle man 12 feet tall and angry. just out of control. he was not in the mood to sense any one being false. so you had to buck up, buckle your belt and heave into you. if he saw you look down he would slap that big cock in your face and poor coffee on your ass and laugh at your burns, and hold you there until blisters formed, and popped them and fucking your ass until you are  dead and raw.
this would POSSIBLY make someone stop being so anxious

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