Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shit just got real I've dumbed my brain down enough to be in public I have no reason other than to lose this feeling and to listen to music collectively one thing I ne never do I usually just listen to music for other people I stopped feeling the beat before I even knew it was called losing rhythm I told my self vapor was better than liquid when its really smoke that I desire something to kill me soft and not entertain ideas to anyone else I want to.drop my head into my stomache so I can puke it up. I'd also like puke up my stomachs, but I.have a stomache ache which is an icy moron because the word ache is part of the word stomache, and to throw your head up you can't swallow it you can't even feel it. What us a neck? Whetr does it start at the bottom of your spine Ir the top when your head breaks off will it dangle before it falls will Yoy catch it with your brainless arms*? I heat if you lose your brain your arms will still work fine.but you'll have ti pick up a boiling pit if eater with your wrists or Stubbs if hands instead if your fingers which are a direct line ti your brain. You'll quit thinking about yourself for two minutes and strap a saddle on your mind, ride it out all leather lasts a while but not forever. It mammal skin we all know that eventually gets eatin by worms or slits of unconscious thoughts. I need to leave my house mire often when I'm in drugs. Human beings are complex because of all the emotions we let bounce around inside us but there is never going to be a tab or fountain to screw in and let it out when you need you have to pour for it as they cal for you. I'm losing my grip again and gaining my sweat a front wall is blocked from my ears I begins to deny my sense of touch then focus it all into my sense of smell which is the least of all the senses that do break through. Almost all of my senses are completely blocked from the substances I abuse. I can sit at a fat girl next to the har and make her twiddle her hair but when will I grab it and pull it out Nd slam her face into the bar. I'm not planning a hate crime I just don't want to look up from.the bar . I should finish my beer and smoke a cigarette. I won't obey other people anymore but walk next to them

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