Sunday, December 15, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
computer dreams (1988)
Came across this randomly on youtube, its an awesome documentary/compilation?. I can't believe i've never heard of it. It's about early 3D modeling, some great 80's tunes too.
Monday, November 11, 2013
New video
Saturday, November 9, 2013
tough decicison to make us both grown and be more who we want to be. life is full of hard decicions. i'm making th right one
I guess its time to let you go and flow on like the preface to rhythm you hold, you dont feel the beat of my heart jus ttouch my left chest and shake.because i deied in97 and its a transplant of a bear.were both dead not ... my heart, that big kind bears heart... has run dry i'm sick of bing(not and add to microsoft) this far away from the girl i love.what sucks in life is you will never be loved, humans will never give the trust to ou that you stretch in fron t of them, and they act annoyed because they were usuing you as company fake love. they dont understand life as muc as me...we are all distorted.well good luck its the bst way to do it...of course this religioin requiores frequion tit picking like monkeys. there sso man fat asses with suck tight holes to tap, its not sexual. i know you wanna go out and do the same thing too. youve been giving me hints at it for so long like a passive little puss, look babe ill always love you but the only way you can hurt me is by doing what you are. do you live your 21 year old life. i havent even fucked a black chick yett, its not that big of a deal but i kinda wanna check that off my bucket list, i will sacrifice this mostly dissapointing dream. acutually i did fuck a black chick once.....BUT NOT ANALLY.. anal enjoyment only exists ive the girls recieving are being paid a huge // a mound of cum. .hopefully burried in there despereat throat, forbidding them adn you to flirt .. i do love you but LETS DO WHATS BEST FOR OURSELVES... and that me, you shit on my business when you have done NOTHING NOGHTHn but be a cliche waitress. thats not an insult ... its just stating hte facts. welcom to reality... move out of your parents crib before you become them, because i can tell you one thing i dont wanna marry you time bom anorexic judgemenetasl mother. i feel like i'm setttling for you, i gave you time but you just came outt this way . you havent progressed 1% since i met you... and you lied about it happening, i wouldnt care ...but you said youd be doing things you arent. i want to be rich ahppy and successful and i feel like you might hold me back from that. when i am rich and succsessful i will definetly come back and see you your available. I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU Pllllz .i dont know i wish people were real. were all stuck here miserably alone so why not help and communicate about it.. i'm sorry i got my dick sucked once in the first week we were dating and its been the biggest mistake of my life. it was that girl we ran into to beauty bar and i was denying our entire relationship I'm as much to blame as you. ..
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
culture vulture
Yes i'm talking about that culture whore that feels the need to suck the blood out of pop culture and shit it out it nasty scrawny white girl diarrhea. Twerking is for girls with curves, not scrawny disney stars gone wannabe ghetto. Was she even alive when michael jordan played? I guess it doesn't matter, she has probably gained respect for him through tumbler posts and youtube videos. Jesus I was even so young when space jam came out.
Why do people exploit things? Obviously she is doing whatever it takes to remain relevant and shocking in the media. I used to "respect" juicy j , if that is even the right word. Whiz whatever the fuck has always sucked. After seeing the beginning of the 23 video I don't get why he is working with her. He has the same blood as her I suppose, wants to be rich and famous and will do whatever it takes. I couldn't watch more that 30 seconds of the 23 video. the second her tongue came out I closed the window so fast. That bitch seriously disgusts me on another level, not just sexually. Thicken up if you want to twerk. Why is a skinny, assless, chicken leg bitch the new spokes person for ass shaking?
I'm sad every time I see someone wearing a jordan jersey I will think of miley sticking her wormy slut tongue out. I used to see jordan jersey and be like oh cool thats a real dude. I'm just glad child stars usually turn out horribly fucked up and can see that she is starting pretty early into adulthood.
She is not a sexually independent woman, she is a wannabe hood rat that hasn't seen anything in her life but the disney channel producers worm dick that strangely resembles her tongue, they would say to hannah Montana "If you want another season, let me see your tongue on my uncircumcised cock again, two peas in a pod.".
I would laugh if she died. I think she should have her tongue circumcised.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Am I the red flag giver?
I'm not as perfect as I thought what the fuck is wrong why do I do this? Am I afraid at the mentioning of a permanent thing? But I am sure that's what I want l. I know I don't want anything else the question is can I be to her what she needs,can I trust myself enough to be what I want? I want to give her what she gives to me, I'm not sure what that is cause I know another person can't make you happy. I just know she's who I'm supposed to be with. I want to set an example of success I want to give her money and be everything she needs. This long distance thing is just a ducky thing Tp have to go through with the person you love. What am I doing wrong? Am I wrong? I think I'm just human I'm not perfect. What I really need is sleep. Relax and get my cavity filled tomorrow I wish the dentist would put me to sleep for it I hate having a numb mouth.
Roxy just got home from vacation
Well, she's back finally from her trip to Ecuador. She got home and started playing these songs on her keyboard she said a wise sage had taught her along with a large group of Ecuadorian naked boys. She was in heaven and is sad to be back. But I'm glad
(remix by ** DJ TRXLL b/\ckw/\rds sn/\pb/\ck*** FEATURING___ TR/\PH0USE///CR/\CK///D/\D AND yung MOM,,,,
.....also FEATURING "that special time of the month with Th!ky/WANNAB/CL0GGED ".........and special lack of breasts HAnnimbal MADatmyDAD aint buy me Danimals montanna
i don't want decaf gimme venti tall latte

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
a hole in another world
followed my family on vacation to bermuda what a shit stein. I just wanted to be at home curling my hair and feeling my friend lori up, playing with her nipples normal teenager shit. now i'm stuck in this hotel that looks like a rundown version of a high class old folks home. my bitch ass dad made me eat the shitty jimmy buffet used cassette for dinner, I TOLD HIM I WANTED BRUNCH. on our way back I noticed the window was open to my bedroom part of the hotel i saw a sad shadow. I said
"dont hide"
"he rustled a bit" and knew he had been caught
"hey creeper, I see you. what the fuck are you doing in my room"
he came over with some stupid sob story about how he had a bad life blah blah blah. i didnt like this bitch ass kid burglar. but of course my parents offer him to stay.
he turned out to be a pretty nice guy untill he bound gagged and tortured us for the rest of the vacation, he forced my fathers bank information out of him. after he stole everything we had with us. then dissapeared into the nice warm day outside.
when my family arrived home the house was trashed, everything stolen, from my dads precious vintage gun collection to my moms pressure cooker. my laptop and xbox were gone too,
my parents are so stupid.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The feelings at that age are so confused as I look back it still makes my pussy wet the humiliation the taste of his salt mixed with my tears. It was my first sexual experience. My parents believed him over me and thought I was just fishing for attention. That's when it started.
I was 23 years old, and working at a front desk for a local university something many other deaf people don't do. I am disgusted and confused with myself everyday. I wanted to take myself to the outer darkness that I learned about in the LDS church. I wanted to end my half life. I began making claims I was suicidal for the attention. I ended up checking myself into a treatment center and they treated me badly. I had been cutting myself for years to feel the pain but my bishop helped me stop. But I still had a distorted itch between my legs. I believe in the morals my religion has taught me,that's why I hate what I do to myself.
I stopped cutting myself to feel and posted an ad on craigslist for a sado-masochist partner to put me in my place to force their slimy members into me, to hurt me and make me feel pain. I got a few responses ended up meeting this "man" who called himself the only. I met the only at his house after an email picture exchange. He was a gross fat slob, unemployed with a stringy broken mustache and one eye was never looking at you. He had me come in and tied my hands with zip ties, I watched him quit his world of warcraft game and open a rape porn video. The first time it was mostly just spanking and he made me eat the cockroach shit off his floor a he came in my eyes and made me snort the rest off his dick, it burnt my nose and tasted rancid. the yellow clumps were hard to get up my nose, but i made them fit.
The next week I felt horrible about what I had done but felt the need to go back. This time was much more brutal and to the point as he answered the door in a leather gimp suit. he greeted my by bending me over shoving a mason jar up me and then proceeded to fuck my ass until It was bleeding like that time of the month. It hurt so good finally I was getting the punishment I needed but not from myself. I could barely sit down for the next week and shit clumps of blood and even found a paperclip straightened out in one of the clumps. I told him it was a little too much for me and he said follow the code,you're mine now, I own you until I decide to dismiss you.
His house smelt like sulfur and pickled eggs. It was as filthy as him, but a little less disgusting. He began filming me as he ripped my tampon out taping it over my mouth screaming at me to squeeze his balls and to put my pink blouse on him. He had me call him a pretty little girl. I puked out my nose because my mouth was taped off. he ripped my hearing aids out like he had the tampon and shoved them up my asshole. He said if it wasn't still up there when I came back I would pay. All week I didn't hear and accidentally shit them out a few times and had to shove the hearing aids back in on my own.
The next visit he pulled them out of my ass and was satisfied I had kept them in all week. he would call me a worthless handicapped bitch. He showed me the hearing aids soaked in my own bile and shit before he stuck them back into my ears. He never showered himself and you could tell by his ringworm and rashes he now passed on to to me. He suffocated me with his dick as deep as it could go with a close pin on my nose so I couldn't breath. I passed out and woke up with my limbs spread tied against the bed posts ,ductape across my eyes and I could feel something big inside my ass. When he saw i had woken up he kicked me in the face and put his athletes foot in my mouth making me suck his toes as he ate dominoes hot wings dipping them in the gaping hole I could feel my butt had turned into. It burned and he would eat them after, making me eat the ones with shit on them.
I was going too far into this. he was such a fucker he didn't deserve to have a sex slave deaf or otherwise. He wasn't even getting me off anymore like he had with the vacuum on my third visit to the dungeon . I began feeling very guilty and decided to confess to my bishop. I didn't tell him all of the details but he understood and instantly judged me. He said I needed to pay my tithing more and that I need yo stay away from him if I wanted to get into the celestial kingdom. I told a coworker the truth and how I love to hate this. She told my boss and they wanted me to go to another treatment center or take a leave for personal reasons, that bitch I should have never told her. She ruined everything.
That is where I am now I'm 26 now and getting mind fucked in this asylum I can't escape. sometimes the night staff will gang bang me and that's the highlight of my month. I like the black guy because his cock almost feels like the mason jar in my ass. I dream of death, I know I've lost myself completely. I break up the days by writing sex stories and I've become obsessed and banned from the computers for watching porn. It's all I have to make me feel its what I want if I can't have death the meds make me feel crazier. I just gave myself an enema with a bottle of drano ..... I found on kitchen duty,I'm starting to get sleepy. Godnight. lhkjgufhsrfgh
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
They are finally being granted the same choices men have been choosing for years. they feel liberated just like the males of older generations had, going out getting jobs, getting tattoos, experimenting with substance. It is cute, but when you start seeing the consequences to your vivacious natural acts. Society is changing to let the woman become the next generation of addiction, porn careers and "womens liib" welcome to the party girls, we've been doing this a long time. i'm glad you are no longer slaves though, just be warned you aren't invincible. this is why we see young girls acting more like cocky young men, they are trying to be that because their gender has been oppressed by other people doing these things while they sat back and watched. but not anymore they will get up and do all those things they always wanted. haha they think theyre actually better, good job step 15 in our evolution is finally complete. realizing one has personal choice and flavor.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Circle jerk
Alcohol is just a circle jerk everyone sitting around stroking their bottle till they feel good. Together riding the feel good wave.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
i’m not riding off on my high horse, I know for a fact there are much better things to talk about than other peoples beliefs. I see you doing exactly what you are saying they do only in a different way. i don’t want to participate in this lack of conversation, because I’ve heard it a million times and it isn’t happening in the moment. its not going to change anything and it doesn’t make me feel good to rehash all this baggage that isnt even my own. turn your guilt on me because i am tired and want to lay down, i'm listening to god. i’ll just walk away. i’m not interested in re run conversations, i love you but you do like to hear your own voice and tell the same stories a lot, i love that about you though I wouldn't change . but baby when i’m sick and tired i gotta lay down and love me so i can continue loving you.
Friday, June 14, 2013
student rat show gimmick plan
most people like live drummers in a show, student rat, a dummy drummer dressed up or preferably robot playing out of sync to everything while drum machine samples provide real sound, a gimmick for people who like the excitement of a live drummer but still saying fuck you to them. maybe in bondage gear or some other sort of puffy slave suit just rocking out or air drumming on random shit that is silent while getting very involved and way into it.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
pacing up and down in front of the extra store. I limp past her and continue to the loosie store. I have an explosive personality that tries to hide things from me. I'm ok with it mostly I guess that's why I do it. I left on a bad note and did the stupid crazier thing which was to miss my flight and stay with you. You beat me with the truth for the last time. This time is quickly sanding down my other possibilities. Hey buddy if you treat yourself like trash everyone will throw you away. Pick up dog shit with your hand and put you in their pursuit of happiness bag of the American dream. Cum money. Not gonna put butts first anymore
Bushwick biker gang comes out blurring the lines on the way down the street they fly roaring waking up the neighborhood bluster Pete us up front charging like an eel through water with more resistance then there ever was or have been before tearing up the concious thoughts and ripping people's dreams out of there windows
Thoughts clogged until you come around again finding my personal space and drawing a line around it so I can remember, it can't be for them. The dripping cement steps forms a waterfall your legs fall down to the last step your feet hit the ground and outlook alive there was something right about the launch off of your stoop you don't notice anyone else and you wouldn't know if someone looked at you. You pass the corner and still haven't left your head. It sits back top center on your body as the air clears your lungs. Your wrong usually but for some shit reason this feels right you sense it's time to grow up but you need time to erect the statue of your adult self. You gain strength and learn different ways to send it to the top so you'll stand solid not needing anything from anyone and them nothing from you
What does it really mean what kind of person stand themselves in the knees while walking like a dead deer of controversial thoughts if you hold you that shouts work how will youbnow if it's really going on on really true what area would I rather show off my dark circles other than in public even there I can't comprehend a god fanned thing from all these easy going art maggots that I used to admire now I'm just drinking to kill the pain of ratiq
O don't know what I feel like. I thought I was capable of loving but it tie.s out I am not capable. I can't stand soo ma.y things. But all I can worry about is myself Nd I need to remember that I can't change her or make anyone love me they don't even matter all the matters is myself I feel like I don't even go e a fuck about anything my face is screwed up tight and my voice muscles will not speak in my regular voice I hate this but it's all I have
Mc and marcy
Watching all the orthodox Jews bounce with Mariah Carey in my headphones they look a lit sexier now
I'm walking on sunshine Wahoo Nd don't it feel good my body and god are one with backorder the airport secured my seven in a tube they used to suck it al up this isn't the new York city u came here to see I hope u aren't waiting on me welcome to your life where not everyone waits for me I haven't seen a train beggar in a really long time I don't relally
Monday, May 13, 2013
sometimes people do extremely out of the ordinary (in other words crazy)things for love. it includes something they dont understand. even if it had to be done. hmm
You tell me you're in love with me
Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me
It's not that I don't wanna stay
But every time you come too close I move away
I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know
Sometimes I run (sometimes)
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time
I don't wanna be so shy
Every time that I'm alone I wonder why
Hope that you will wait for me
You'll see that you're the only one for me
I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time
Just hang around and you'll see
There's nowhere I'd rather be
If you love me, trust in me
The way that I trust in you
[Chorus: x2]
All I really want is to hold you tight
Be with you day and night
Sometimes I run, (sometimes) sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Idaho suburbs
Idaho wife apologizes to husband about having an affair with her boss. Appologizes by giving him that 9mm he always wanted.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Aliens or Angels?
I was a witness to the sphere that took everything away growing behind the the moon. It crashed into this planet leaving everything dead left to swell in the rot that remained of the U.S. of A.
I witnessed a sphere growing
behind the ducking the moon. I watched it collide with us like a shitting duck. I left dead to swell in the rot that remained of the u.s.a. and it worked.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
morrisey you are a broken scum bag, you shouldn't burden a normal people with gnaggines of your beennifits fucking FAGGOt nigga fucking a pussy ass bitch
i HATE the smiths
AND the cure
you can make a better band than them.....GO NOW! hitler translates to english GO
Saturday, March 16, 2013
suburban white kids
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
the first one was a crazy fun party with a number of things going on with greg and all my closest friends there in short we decide to all ride our bikes through this tunnel through the mall, we all ride in a line maybe 50 kids on bikes and when we go to get in the cave some of us got stopped and arrested while some made it through. the second i was tired and it was after the first time wise, nadine was going to a party and i went with and brought my dog roxy. it was in a mansion and there were lots of gangsta swag guys there, and a leader that was 4 times the size of a normal man. he was the king pin and had all the girls upstairs. i waited downstairs holding roxy i wanted nadine to come down but i couldnt leave my dog with these other slutty girls. so i was just holding her. nadine came down and said how much fun she was having while either not noticing or caring about the guys talking closer and closer to her face, putting their arm around her and basically seemed like she was having fun and didnt really need me there. everntually the king pin came down and began testing me and i told him not to lean on my dog because she is small and getting old. he ended up admiring me and liking me so we went and drove around together. i don't know if he was just trying to get me out of the house so nadine could have fun with the other guys. but halfway through the drive i got a text from nadine that said "is it ok if i wrap up roxy really good in some blankets and quilts and ship her to you?" i freaked out and was thinking she must be on whatever drugs they had given her to come up with such an idea. it would smother her. so i asked the king pin if we could go get her and take her to suzi's my moms friends house so she would be safer. we went to the post office place before for some reason and then we were driving around trying to find suzis house before we got roxy.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
airplane dream
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I hung like a dead rat, a dream catcher made out of reflections of new york shitty. this happened in my other apartment as well, for some reason its something you can't record or take footage of, its just something you have to be there for sort of thing. at my old apartment i had this curtain with these round faux copper rings hanging it to the pole, for some reason after i hung this up every morning after sunrise the entire street outside would project onto my wall. brookelandsyn's version of the northern lights. now waking up in my next room, first time i've put a curtain up and sure enough the same thing is happening there are these fucked gorgeous strange lights again. this time in the corner of my room. a small sidewalk without people but fragments of steps projected onto the corner of my ceiling, also the j train and stained glass i believe from the station has a long stripey peak in the corner. just wanted to remember it.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This tone deaffff seal is broken by the broken flourished flowers, the same one.that fucked your wife and took names....s
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
lightsaber battle 1st person
awesome vid
He walks home next to her with the fresh new ideas put into his head. The phrase that stuck out tonight over everything yelled by a man riding a horse toy "the present is a present, don't you know that;s why they call it the present?". He walked home with the thoughts still stirring his brain. He spoke excitedly to the girl. He had to sabotage his inspiration. He baked a frozen pizza with added ham and cheese, when it was finished he threw it away. He went to the store, then came back to cook another pizza. He threw it away. He woke up thirsty so he chugged a gallon of orange juice, and a quart of milk. He laid in bed with his stomach physically cold to the touch from the fridge liquid swollen belly. He slept naked after making a fool out of himself to the person he loves. He was told by the loosie man that he was too high.
and the pictures are for entertainment